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       Dr. Pauline Kirvin

​Natural Health Educator

Plant-Based Culinary Professional

Biblical Medical Missionary 


"A Healthy Lifestyle Journey is GOD'S PLAN" 


8-Laws of Health 





Sojourners Outpost Sanitarium (SOS)

"Plant-based diet, is God-given, to make us healthy and strong."

(Sojourners Outpost Song™)

"He causeth the grass to grow for the cat​tle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth."

 (Psalm 104:14)

Healthy Lifestyle Kitchen

(An Edenic Approach)

"Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator. These foods, prepared in as simple and natural a manner as possible, are the most healthful and nourishing. They impart a strength, a power of endurance, and a vigor of intellect, that are not afforded by a more complex and stimulating diet."

(Counsels on Diet and Foods, 313)


 Legumes: Amazingly Nutrient-Dense  Dishes !


​Baked Homemade Tofu

Black Bean With Coconut Cream

Garbanzo and Turmeric Dip

Homemade Soy Milk

Red Lentil Cheese

Rice and Kidney Beans (Sojourners Version)

Sprouted Mung Bean Salad



Simply Delicious  Fruits --Breakfast  Options



The ABC  Smoothie

The Fruit  Bowl Concept

Berry-Berry Delight

Lemon Psyllium Husk Cookies

 Mango and Flax Seed Fritters 

Orange-Molasses No-Baking-Powder Cake

Pineapple Tarts



Thanking God For Versatility Nuts


Almond Milky Way

Cashew-Cilantro Dressing

Coconut Comfort Pie

Pine Nut and Oat Straw Cookies

Pumpkin Seed  Bread

Sunflower Seed Sliced Cheese

Walnut and Flax Seed Rolls



Organically Grown Vegetables on Our Table!


 Cucumber Cooler

Avocado Garlic Spread

The Outpost  Pie

Broccoli and Carrot Au gratin 

Sojourners Chop Suey

Totally a Cauliflower Surprise

Cabbage Meets Mushrooms


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