S​ojo​urna​puesto avanzado
"¡Iluminando el camino para los pies cansados y que tropiezan!"
“Escucha mi oración, oh Señor, y presta oÃdo a mi clamor; peregrino, como lo fueron todos mis padres" (Salmo 39:12)
"Las ciudades se han de trabajar de puestos de avanzada." (Carta 182, 1902)
"Sojourners at our outpost, encouraging each other along,
Getting ready for the Time of Trouble, which is erelong.
Country living, an outpost of refuge, this we must understand,
Jesus, is The Lord of Host, He the adversary cannot withstand."
(Sojourners Outpost Song™)
Country Living: Nature's Lesson Book - A Deer Visited the Outpost!
Country Living: Nature's Lesson Book - A Deer Visited the Outpost!
The Blessings of Living in Retired Places
The Blessings of Living in Retired Places
"There is not one family in a hundred who will be improved physically, mentally, or spiritually, by residing in the city. Faith, hope, love, happiness, can far better be gained in retired places, where there are fields and hills and trees. Take your children away from the sights and sounds of the city, away from the rattle and din of streetcars and teams, and their minds will become more healthy. It will be found easier to bring home to their hearts the truth of the Word of God."
(Manuscript 76, 1905).
Country Living An Outpost of Refuge
Country Living An Outpost of Refuge
"The time is fast coming when the controlling power of the labor unions will be very oppressive. Again and again the Lord has instructed that our people are to take their families away from the cities, into the country, where they can raise their own provisions; for in the future the problem of buying and selling will be a very serious one. We should now begin to heed the instruction given us over and over again: Get out of the cities into rural districts, where the houses are not crowded closely together, and where you will be free from the interference of enemies."
(Country Living, 9.5 )
Country Living -- Life on the Homestead
Jesus and the Great Outdoors
Nature's Lesson Book
Organic Gardening
Outpost of Refuge
Self Employment Opportunities
The Forerunner of Christ's 1st Coming Lived in the Wilderness
Wildcrafted Herbs
Country Living: Free Food Foraging Dandelion Plants to Make a Salad!
Country Living: Free Food Foraging Dandelion Plants to Make a Salad!
It is Snowing Here, in the Mountains!
It is Snowing Here, in the Mountains!
Country Living Nature's Lesson Book - Trees!
Country Living Nature's Lesson Book - Trees!